A Change of Focus


I’ve admittedly been a bit absent from my blog lately – my summer work schedule has been kicking my butt as usual, and add to that all this crazy new parent/new baby stuff…well, blogging hasn’t been particularly high on my list. Not only hasn’t it been high on my list, it’s started to feel like a chore…which is NOT how i want to proceed with my writing!

I’ve always been adamant about the importance of a work/life balance. In fact, it was one of the deciding factors for moving away from the City! And my free time is even more precious now – family comes first, and the last thing I want is to feel “obligated” to work on my blog when I could be directing that attention towards my son.

Of course, I am occasionally resentful that I no longer seem to have any time to myself anymore, to pursue any of my favorite hobbies. I’m now working through how to create a me/family balance: Both through continuing my pursuits with the Big Bun in tow (taking a walk in the woods, for example), or bringing in extra help so that I can have an evening (or even an entire DAY, can you imagine?) free to…well do ANYTHING that isn’t work or baby related!

So, in short, that’s why I’ll be taking a short hiatus from A Green(ish) Life. It’s by no means a dead project, but I don’t feel I can give it the focus it deserves. And perhaps when I have more time, more sleep, more concentration, more help, more desire to bring my attention back to it, I will. Then again, if becoming a parent has taught me anything, it’s that life is unpredictable…and who knows which way the wind will blow in the future!

Stay tuned. And keep it green(ish)!

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